A Journey For Happiness – Book Reviews

“Fascinating to see an academic daring to take his lessons on the road…”

That’s what Richard Easterlin said about my book. He is often considered the godfather of happiness economics. His 1974 academic paper “Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?” was seminal…

Others who have written related books have also shared their reflections…

Mark Williamson, director of Action for Happiness, writes “a truly wonderful blend of human story, brave endeavour, scientific insights, thought-provoking ideas, resilience and heartfelt vulnerability too. It definitely reaches both the head and heart. Highly recommended, even if you’re new to the topic and not a cyclist (I promise!).

Nattavudh Powdthavee, author of The Happiness Equation, says that ‘reading A Journey For Happiness is like attending classes on the science of happiness with Michael Palin as the professor. While this book is personal to Christopher and his journey, it is also rich with so many scientific facts about what makes and does not make us happy. I would recommend it to anyone interested in the science and/or the man himself.”

Katherine Trebeck, author of The Economics of Arrival: Ideas for a Grown-Up Economy, shares that “too often theory and personal experience do not speak to each other. In this special book Christopher Boyce beautifully combines both by weaving his experience as a scholar with his journey as a human who is open to all the lessons that cycling to Bhutan will bring. An important read for anyone wanting hope in humanity and insight in what makes us truly happy”.

Matt Hopwood, author of A Human Love Story, writes “this book explores all aspects of happiness, so we might perhaps come to a fuller understanding of how to sing our own heart song and live at our fullest octave.”

Leo Bormans, author of The World Book of Happiness, writes that “A Journey For Happiness’ is an excellent guide on the journey of your own life…a metaphor for our quest for hope and happiness in a threatening world.”

Others say:

“Reading about Christopher’s adventures and discoveries was not just an inspiring and enjoyable read, but it has genuinely adjusted my mind set when making decisions in life.”

“A Journey for Happiness is a masterpiece by any standard and every standard. It transcends the genres of academic text, autobiography, and travelogue by transporting us to a new place – a place where the person meets the world and embraces the whole of their reality.”

“A wonderful book – moving, interesting, and motivating”

“Such a relief to read a cycling book that didn’t bore on about gear ratios or big hills.”

The feedback on my book so far has been stunning. So what about you? Would you like to come in? There are more reviews on Goodreads and if you like what you read in the reviews then order a copy today.

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